This page does its best to showcase different resources I've found and used throughout the process of trying to recover from my own personal struggles with severe trauma and dissociation. For further information and recommendations, please consult my library of book reports on trauma, dissociation, and organized child abuse. I also maintain a list of my favorite articles and essays relevant to the issue.

My offering of these resources is mere suggestion, not a claim to ownership or endorsement; anything concerning ritual abuse, mind control, organized abuse, child and adult slavery, and/or torture should be browsed with extreme caution. I will not be held responsible for anything that happens, for better or for worse, as a result of examining or using these resources. This material can be highly triggering for survivors—it may be best if you have a trusted support person browse with (or for) you in order to make sure you stay safe.

Some of these resources, particularly the books linked throughout, are paid. I encourage you to pay for what you can because I believe that funding research in these fields is an important thing, but I also know how it feels to be a survivor with no money. Please pay for what you can, but for my guide on how to download books from shadow libraries, please read this page.

Organized and Extreme Abuse (incl. Ritual Abuse & Mind Control)

Anneke Lucas
blog personal connectionetc

EAS - Extreme Abuse Surveys
The Extreme Abuse Surveys are a collection of online surveys conducted in both German and English to gather data on reported histories of ritual abuse, mind control and other organized abuse for survivor and clinician benefit. Since formal studies on RA/MC/state and non-state torture/etc. are much more scarce than in other fields, this is an invaluable resource.

End Ritual Abuse - The Website of Ellen P. Lacter, Ph.D.
text Ellen Lacter, who began as a registered art therapist in 1977, also has a book called Color to Heal

Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room - MK-ULTRA
(Warning: Links to This is essentially a search engine for FOIA declassified documents

Persons Against NST (Non-State Torture)
two women from Atlantic Canada

RA Info - Ritual Abuse, Ritual Crime, & Healing
ritual calendar

Report of the Ritual Abuse Task Force - Los Angeles County Commission for Women, 1991
text; proves it's real

S.M.A.R.T. - Stop Mind Control and Ritual Abuse Today
Neil Brick hosts the Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference annually and has published a newsletter dedicated to educating the public about ritual abuse since 1995. He also offers an email discussion list for survivor support (among other things). There is a lot of information here. For a fact sheet courtesy of Mr. Brick with information about (part of) why I do not support the Satanic Temple, refer to this link.

Sunlight Lives - The Little Otter
This is intended as a healing/deprogramming story this survivor also posts personal essays, all of which are very powerful (and all of which are extremely triggering, so please be mindful when browsing their pages).

This is an organization for survivors and their helpers that holds a yearly online conference. Survivorship also has a YouTube channel where they archive old conferences and other video material.

Trish Fotheringham's Story

Trauma & Dissociation

An Infinite Mind

Beauty After Bruises

Blue Knot Foundation

DID Research


Safe touch is important. Sometimes, for any number of reasons, safe touch from external people is not safe or possible. Havening is "a type of psychosensory modality based on the fields of neuroscience and neurobiology, which uses sensory input in order to alter thought, mood, and behavior. It is believed that when an event or experience is perceived as traumatic or stressful, it becomes immutably encoded in the psyche and the body, often with life altering consequences. Havening is designed to make changes in the brain in order to de-traumatize and remove from both the psyche and the body the emotional memory of a traumatic or stressful life event and its negative effects." I discuss safe touch further on my page dedicated to grounding and self-soothing.

ISST-D - International Society for Study of Trauma and Dissociation
The ISST-D is an organization dedicated to the study of dissociative disorders and trauma recovery. They also maintains a therapist-finder tool and a list of special interest groups, one of which is dedicated to "[furthering] dialogue, knowledge, research, and training on the etiology, evaluation, and effective treatment of trauma and dissociation in clients reporting histories of organized and extreme abuse, including ritual abuse and mind control." The public resources page may be of particular interest.

Nurses Learning - Common Presentations of MPD (DID)
dfsdfsdf adapted from Dr. Richard P. Kluft's "Clinical Presentations of Multiple Personality Disorder" and sldfkjsdlkfjsk.

RAINN - Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network

S.I.A. (Survivors of Incest Anonymous) Coming Home Phone Line
sia marathons DID specific meetings I find the 12 Promises to be particularly healing. Also aggregates survivors' creative work.

S.L.A.A. - Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous
werwer Some particularly helpful reading might be the Characteristics of Sex and Love Addiction and a questionnaire that can be used to assess oneself for possible sex and/or love addiction. I personally love reading the Signs of Recovery.

Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE)
text can be learned and done at home People are now discussing the idea that trauma and memory are stored in the muscle fascia of our bodies.

also include wayback machine resources once home somatic experiencing ( bill of rights kerth barker