2023.09.20 - today she bought this special spicy seaweed at the grocery store... i normally don't like seaweed but she gave me a nibble to try and it was actually REALLY good. and she said i could have as much as i want... i could tell that she felt like it was making me healthier/stronger and that she wanted that for me. it means so much to me to have someone in my life who's always looking out for me like that

2023.09.16 - if the stuff with the car wasn't enough, she also worked out how to organize our bathroom! the two of us both worked together to clean and organize everything, but she figured out how it was all going to work and she also made the order for all the little containers and bags we needed... it never would have gotten done without her and now it's so much nicer, i'm so happy

2023.09.13 - augh... today... just getting to look at her in that cute pink outfit she wore was something to be grateful for. what a beautiful girl. i want her so bad

2023.09.12 - i bought her a present to support her in her skincare journey (a limited-edition seasonal face mask)... and she shared some with me out of the blue! it felt really good and it made my skin look so much nicer, i thought that was so sweet of her

2023.09.09 - she went to all this work to plan and order a bunch of cute stuff to make our car cute AND functional (making sure that we have every possible essential thing and all emergency supplies plus comfort stuff). so much thought was put into it and after we finished putting it together it looked and felt so wonderful. magical

2023.09.06 - yesterday we went out on some errands and one of them was stopping by a health food store. she picked out some sea moss so we could try it and i never would have done that for myself. i really appreciate how she always looks out for me... (i turned the sea moss into a special mango gel and it was really good)

2023.08.24 - she ordered these fun little panda tickies that you put on your face overnight for acne spots and she shared them with me as many as i need even though i didn't pay into them at all (starts crying)

2023.08.19 - one of the most amazing things happened: she MADE ME A PAIR OF EARRINGS BY HAND... they are so gorgeous, everything i wanted them to be and more, and they're super lightweight so my ears don't hurt at all after i wear them. amazing. i will treasure them forever

2023.08.11 - this ice cream truck came by our house and parked across the street while i was switched in to a younger alter and she bought us ice cream...so sweet

2023.08.10 - she helped me with a photoshop thing because i didn't have it on my laptop and couldn't do what i wanted the way i wanted to with GIMP. LOL. i need to redownload it but that was very nice

2023.08.02 - she is so encouraging and supportive of my creativity i don't even know what i would do without her

2023.07.31 - i needed a LOT of HUGS and she let me have them < 3

2023.07.19 - we got a new tv and she's been working super hard to set up the hard drive so it can be perfect, she also got me a toyhou.se code which made me really happy

2023.06.12 - being willing to do family therapy with me

2023.03.08 - taking the time to express feelings when i really needed that

2023.02.05 - giving me pita chips, i was really hungry and they tasted so good thank you for sharing

2022.12.25 - giving me ANOTHER insane christmas...love you so much

2022.10.28 - being nice and helping me through a breakdown even though i felt completely irredeemable garbage

2022.09.21 - always helping me make positive lifestyle changes like eating healthier food and taking care of my skin

2022.07.27 - helping me get stuff done yet again (listmaking)

2022.03.19 - just being part of my life at all and being someone i can truly connect to and trust (more than anyone i've ever met)

2022.03.13 - for reassuring me when i was worried about something that was really important to my hearts (even though it involved having kind of a weird conversation)

2022.02.17 - for always defending me against other people who want to find fault with everything that i do or don't do even though it's stressful for her to do that (and something she shouldn't have to do in the first place)

2022.02.12 - just always being so sweet and nice, i appreciate having her in my life so much

2022.02.10 - for her support and reassurance in a really scary and high-risk situation that felt really life-or-death

2022.02.09 - for always preparing for every situation and for providing for me and treating me like i'm a fmaily member that deserves being protected

2022.01.29 - always demonstrating patience and compassion even when i'm having awful meltdowns

2022.01.15 - cartons of milk from savannah

2022.01.13 - letting me use her chromebook and essentially take it over ( ihad nothing and she was very generous)

2022.01.09 - helping me problem-solve a fanfic that was really important to me that i was stuck on

2022.01.06 - made the effort to apologize to me after hurting my feelings, it made my entire day and released so much tension from my body

2021.12.18 - cheerleading me about a fic i was working on

2021.12.11 - spending so much on me for christmas (my most traumatic holiday) to make me feel happy

2021.09.26 - comforting me and having a really honest discussion with me about something emotional (kept me from making a bad decision)

2021.09.25 - for prioritizing me and working really hard to make me happy even when i can be demanding and mentally ill :P

2021.09.17 - including me in things, being nice to me, trying to make me feel loved even in the middle of some really bad circumstances

2021.09.06 - helping be on the lookout and hunting for a copy of pkmn emerald for me (it's so expensive...)

2021.09.03 - informing me about something stressful because i need that (but still caring about my nerves and whether or not i was okay)

2021.08.31 - had a major episode and she talked to me as long as she could before she also got triggered and she was nice the whole time

2021.08.29 - reassured me that despite her grumpiness she wasn't personally mad at me (very sweet of her to do)

2021.07.21 - was just so encouraging and cheerleading when i really needed it all to the point where i wasn't even upset anymore < 3 also reminded me to save my game often because she caught some thunder and lightning outside and we could have lost power

2021.07.17 - reassuring me about a problem that had been eating at me that i was really scared about and ready to cry over

2021.06.14 - just everything. everything she does for me. it really does mean so much to me how hard she tries

2021.04.26 - for promising to protect me (hottest and best thing a person could ever say) and for encouraging me when i was down/felt worthless

2021.02.11 - giving me some advice about DID stuff and figuring out how to feel more comfortable with myself and more in control of things (and for listening to me ramble)

2020.10.30 - for understanding and respecting my feelings about a certain topic linked into my feelings about my trauma history and my life and for trying really hard to keep my boundaries in mind

2020.10.19 - always trying to make our life a big cozy nest

2020.10.07 - explainng something important to me and communicating with me

2020.09.26 - having a really good and affirming gender talk with me and reassuring me that i was loved no matter how i felt on the inside. it meant a lot to me

2019.12.01 - affirming me and saying kind things about me and reminding me that i do good and that she values me (also always drigin me everywhere and not even asking me to plit gas money with her)