15 things i love about her: extolling her virtues (so everyone can know her good deeds, not just me!)

Let's start with the more superficial things. One of the first things that comes to mind when I daydream about her is her beauty. She just has the most incredible hair; it's so long and silky, and I love brushing it out, especially when it's wet. It feels amazing to touch and it always smells good. I love the way her body feels against me when she hugs me. When I'm forced to be apart from her, I comfort myself by imagining her face in vivid detail. She has such a beautiful face. When I'm alone in that sadness, I watch her smile and laugh and express happiness and contentment in my mind's eye, and I feel a little bit less lonely.

One can't talk about Sephi without mentioning just how talented she is. She is an incredible writer and a phenomenal visual artist. Although these are not her only talents, they are the two that immediately come to mind for me.

Another thing I find really special about her is her sense of humor. I don't think I have ever met someone as funny as her in all my life and yes, tha includes myself.

She's so thoughtful and considerate; before you even realize you need something, she's already thought of it (and usually tried to get it for you). She is incredibly generous, always going the extra mile to share with me and with others in general. Whether it's hygiene products, pieces from her treasured collections, or food (even on a really tight budget), she unreservedly shares anything and everything with me that she can. She always makes sure that we have energy drinks in the house for exam season just in case we need them to power through a last-minute assignment or stay awake for an early-morning test. (Seriously, sometimes we have to take exams at like 7 in the morning on a SATURDAY. There are tests I definitively would not have survived if she hadn't thought ahead and bought me a drink.)

Another thing I deeply cherish and value about her is her protective nature. Drawing on that, one of the things that is most valued and important to me in our bond is the sense of safety she brings me. I have never felt 100% safe with anyone except her. She also has incredible physical strength, which reinforces that sense of safety even more. (And, if we're being really honest here, what feels better than your most special person being able to effortlessly pick you up and carry you, especially if you need help moving around. I'm so lucky.)

One of the most attractive qualities to me in any woman is intelligence, and wow, is she ever smart. Seriously, I feel like I learn something new from her in every conversation we have. Whatever my point about anything is, she always has something to contribute that I never would have thought of myself.

Leaving aside standard intelligence, we must also talk about spiritual intelligence. This woman has the greatest "eyes to see" that I have ever encountered in another person. Her powers of discernment are incredible. I've already mentioned her physical strength, but her spiritual strength is even more impressive. Her fortitude and endurance in the face of evil forces never ceases to bring me to my knees.

her authenticity and honesty.

lifesaving actions - i would not be alive without her, has also given me a reason to recover countless times - i am immensely grateful for all of the action she has taken, both direct and indirect, to keep me alive. Here, it's also worth mentioning her incredible patience - i am hard to handle and she has put up with everything and more

committed action I am constantly impressed by her ability to just choose to do things, anywhere from writing prompts to lifestyle changes. steamrolls and dominates everything

her imagination - amazing, she can meet me where i am her unmatched ability to "yes and" me. Not only does she meet me where I am, she takes me somewhere even better.