Pokémon belongs to The Pokémon Company, Game Freak, Nintendo, and all other related parties. This is a fan-made website dedicated to appreciating the franchise and offering my personal experiences with it. Nothing more, nothing less.
This site may feature content from all over the web not necessarily authored by the site's administrator. I do my absolute best to properly attribute all content to its respective owner or owners. While I do generate a vast majority of assets and content for this site (all of which should be clearly labeled or otherwise obvious), I did not invent the paradise that is the Pokémon world and all of my favorite parts of the series are anywhere from 10 to 25 years old. The content here will not be wholly original and credit will be given where it is due. Please contact admin@website.com for any missing attribution or to request that your content be removed.
This website is intended to be an all-ages space, but I can't promise perfection; I'm an irreverant and silly person and I enjoy pushing the envelope sometimes. Keep that in mind as you browse and please maintain your own boundaries. I am not responsible for your emotions or reactions to what is posted here.
That being said, this is a website about Pokémon (not a hate site or a place that will ever feature explicit content). Let's all try not to take ourselves too seriously here.
Do not mirror this website or reprint its contents without prior permission. I am very easy to get in touch with. Please just ask.
Finito! Thanks for your time, and good luck out there.