

"Firion is supposed to represent the very first human in the Final Fantasy franchise (his name Firion means "mortal man") and is portrayed as [having] the purest of intentions. He is kind and compassionate but he has a one major flaw and that is he is part of the problem that he himself is trying to solve. The [conflict] within humans is to fight off the self. You yourself are the prison and we all want to blame our problems on others as Firion does with Emperor Mateus but in truth Emperor Mateus is the other half of what makes humans whole... spirituality and truth (Mateus is referred to as the actual God). If Firion would just accept Mateus instead of waging the fight against him then maybe he could go to the flower garden he always dreamed of."

text interestingly, in the famicom version of ff2, gear could be used to raise your stats past the cap of 99 up to 109... hmmmmm